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What Automated Mastering Services Can’t Do For You

By July 14, 2023No Comments

In the world of music production, mastering plays a crucial role in transforming raw audio recordings into polished and professional tracks. With the advancements in technology, automated mastering services have emerged as a convenient and cost-effective solution for many musicians and producers. However, it’s essential to understand that while these services offer convenience, they come with limitations. In this article, we will explore what automated mastering services can’t do for you, highlighting the importance of human touch and expertise in the mastering process.

The Artistic Element of Mastering

Mastering is an art form that requires careful attention to detail and a deep understanding of music aesthetics. While automated mastering services may offer preset options and algorithms, they lack the ability to comprehend the artistic intent behind a song. Every track is unique, and it takes a human touch to analyze the dynamics, tonal balance, and emotional impact of the music. A human mastering engineer can make informed decisions based on their experience, adjusting levels, EQ, and dynamics to enhance the overall sound and ensure it aligns with the artist’s vision.

Tailoring to Individual Needs

Automated mastering services often operate on a one-size-fits-all approach. They apply generic settings and algorithms to all tracks, disregarding the specific requirements of each song. However, music is diverse, and different genres demand different treatments. For example, a heavy metal track may require a different EQ curve and dynamic range compared to a soft acoustic ballad. A professional mastering engineer understands the nuances of various genres and can tailor the mastering process to meet the specific needs of each individual track.

Addressing Sonic Issues and Imperfections

No matter how advanced the technology, there are sonic issues and imperfections that automated mastering services cannot effectively address. These issues may include unwanted resonances, background noise, or artifacts introduced during recording or mixing. A human mastering engineer possesses the ability to identify and address these imperfections, utilizing a wide range of tools and techniques to achieve a clean and balanced final mix. Their trained ears and expertise ensure that the final master sounds as flawless as possible.

Personalized Communication and Collaboration

The process of mastering is not solely about technical adjustments; it also involves a collaborative and communicative aspect between the artist and the mastering engineer. Automated services lack the personal touch and the ability to understand the artist’s preferences, goals, and desired outcome. A human mastering engineer can engage in meaningful discussions with the artist, understanding their artistic vision, and incorporating their feedback into the mastering process. This collaborative approach ensures that the final master is a true reflection of the artist’s intentions.

Adapting to Changing Trends and Styles

The music industry is constantly evolving, with new trends and styles emerging regularly. Automated mastering services may struggle to keep up with these changes, as they often rely on fixed algorithms and settings. A professional mastering engineer, on the other hand, stays up-to-date with the latest trends and has the flexibility to adapt their techniques and approach accordingly. They can ensure that the mastered tracks sound current and competitive in the ever-changing music landscape.


While automated mastering services offer convenience and affordability, they have limitations that cannot be overlooked. The artistic element, tailoring to individual needs, addressing sonic issues, personalized communication, and adaptability to changing trends are all areas where automated services fall short. To achieve the best possible sound and fully realize the artistic vision behind a song, it’s crucial to rely on the expertise of a human mastering engineer. The human touch and experience in the mastering process elevate the quality of the final product and provide a unique and personalized touch.


Can I use automated mastering services for my demo tracks?

While it’s tempting to use automated services for demo tracks, it’s advisable to invest in professional mastering for a more accurate representation of your music.

How long does the mastering process take with a human mastering engineer?

The time required for mastering varies depending on the complexity and workload. It’s best to consult with the mastering engineer to get an estimate based on your specific project.

Are automated mastering services suitable for all music genres?

Automated mastering services have limitations when it comes to genre-specific treatments. It’s recommended to work with a human mastering engineer who understands the nuances of your genre.

Can automated mastering fix poorly recorded tracks?

While automated services may provide some improvement, a human mastering engineer can better address the limitations and flaws of poorly recorded tracks.

How can I find a reliable human mastering engineer?

Research and ask for recommendations from fellow musicians or industry professionals. Look for mastering engineers with a strong portfolio and positive reviews to ensure quality results.

Remember, when it comes to mastering, the human touch and expertise are invaluable, offering a personalized and professional touch to your music.